It’s time for smarter intergenerational conversations.

Welcome to Gentelligence.

Your hub for workplace generational expertise, insights, and practical strategies.

Book cover of Gentelligence: The Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational Workforce, book cover, author Megan Gerhardt As Featured in Harvard Business Review

Gentelligence® rejects common stereotypes assigned to different generations, replacing them with a deep understanding of why those who grew up in different times may behave in unique and valuable ways.
We challenge leaders to go beyond simply accepting generational differences to leverage them proactively – and increase engagement, innovation, and organizational success. Level up your generational leadership skills today.

With organizations everywhere promoting diversity and inclusion, Gentelligence is an essential but overlooked piece to the D&I puzzle. This book is the “how to” manual on navigating an intergenerational workforce, complete with lessons to tap all it has to offer. It’s hard to imagine winning the War for Talent without fostering an environment that celebrates generational diversity rather than stifling it. Gentelligence is indeed the future of work.

— Andrew Goldstein, managing director, Willis Towers Watson

Gentelligence®  was featured as Harvard Business Review’s Big Idea in March 2022!  Click to read our article Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity, or check it out as part of HBR’s 10 Must Reads for 2024.


Dr. Gerhardt’s generational work has been featured in:


Dr. Megan Gerhardt explains how understanding Gentelligence®  can help organizations leverage generational diversity to unlock the untapped potential of every generation in the workplace. Watch the TEDx that started the movement.